Although many plants are dormant in winter, your yard still needs some TLC during the winter months. Taking proactive steps during the winter can help your yard flourish when spring comes. Our Nature’s Turf experts compiled the three best steps you can take for your yard’s health.
1. Plan Ahead for Spring Aeration—Aeration is a process that puts tiny holes throughout your yard, allowing for your lawn to breathe and alleviate soil compaction. Also, aeration will allow your soil better access to water as well. Call now and sign up to have your yard professionally aerated this coming spring.
2. Remove Leaves and Debris–Keeping your lawn clean during the winter months will ensure you have success in the spring. Heavy layers of leaves can cause the turf to decline for many reasons including diseases. Not to mention it looks much better than a lawn full of debris! We recommend running a mower over the lawn monthly during the winter and weekly in the spring/summer to accomplish this task.
3. Limit Traffic—This is not just a reminder for the neighborhood kids. During the winter, when your lawn is frosted or dormant, the grass can become damaged through repeated foot traffic. Avoid walking on your lawn when possible, especially on the same path repeatedly.
If your yard could use professional TLC, our Nature’s Turf team is happy to help. Schedule your service today to prepare for a healthy and beautiful spring.