Dallisgrass and Broomsedge are pesky grassy weeds we see throughout metro Atlanta lawns. Our team is constantly testing products to control Dallisgrass and Broomsedge as they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, as of today, there is not a great way to prevent these two grassy weeds from growing in your lawn. However, our team suggests and recommends a few options to remove Dallisgrass and Broomsedge on your own.
Start Digging
The first option is to manually dig up the weed. In this method, simply take your shovel and work your way around the weed removing roughly 4-8 inches of soil below the weed. It’s important to remove as much of the root system as possible. This will leave a hole in the lawn, so we suggest going back with fresh topsoil and a light layer of sand. Bermuda and Zoysia turf will fill back in this area naturally. If you need more information on filling in these lawn areas, read more on how to top dress your lawn.
Use a Non-Selective Weed Killer
The second option is to use a non-selective weed killer. It’s extremely important to remember that this product will also kill the turf, so please be extremely careful. Start by using a pre-mixed can of weed killer from your local hardware store. Then, place the wand close to the plant base and apply a small amount of the product. We suggest starting conservatively and re-applying in about a week, depending on the results.
You may find that parts of the turf around the weed decline, but they should recover quickly with proper watering and mowing. This technique often takes more than one application. It’s also a good idea to try this on a few weeds to ensure you are not over-applying. Over-application can cause severe damage to the lawn.
Mow Weekly
Good cultural practice will also help control both of these weeds. Weekly mowing, in particular, will make it difficult for the weed to grow and spread throughout your lawn. We often see clients that wait too long between mowings have the hardest time removing Dallisgrass and Broomsedge. For more information on proper mowing, read about how mowing can help us help you.
Water Properly
Lastly, verify you are watering your turf properly. Your lawn needs 1 inch of water per week during the growing season. Applying too much water or not enough can increase the likelihood of Dallisgrass and Broomsedge appearing. You can learn more about how to water your lawn by reading why watering is a must.
Remove Dallisgrass and Broomsedge for Good
Our team at Nature’s Turf will treat Dallisgrass on every visit, but we highly recommend clients take one of the above actions to permanently remove the weed. As of today, our treatments will only suppress this weed, while the options above will permanently remove Dallisgrass from your lawn.
Currently, we do not include controlling Broomsedge in our treatment plan. Turf grass that is thick and healthy can aid in broomsedge control. Eventually, the short-lived perennial may disappear, no longer creating issues in the landscape.
To learn more on how to remove Dallisgrass and Broomsedge from your lawn, check out our video for more details.