Throughout the year, your property is susceptible to insects and grubs that lurk beneath the surface, waiting to feed on grassroots. While they may be small, grubs specifically can cause severe problems to your lawn.
Signs You Have a Grub Problem
If you start to notice dead areas within your lawn, there is a chance you may have a grub problem. While a small amount of grubs in your lawn is normal, excessive numbers can lead to turf decline. Here are several ways you can identify grubs within your lawn before they become a problem:
- There are scattered patches of brown grass throughout the lawn.
- Your lawn feels sponge-like in some areas.
- You notice wildlife like raccoons, armadillos, moles, and skunks causing significant damage to your lawn.
- You notice an increase of Japanese Beetles flying around your lawn.
- There is a yellow grass that pulls up easily.
If you notice one or more of these signs, take a shovel and cut a 12”x12” square out of your lawn, roughly 2-4’’ deep in an area of the lawn to inspect the soil.
How We Treat Grubs
If you find active grubs, we suggest talking with a turf professional on treating your lawn and preventing grubs in the future. Treatment should be completed as soon as possible to ensure no further damage occurs to the lawn.
At Nature’s Turf, we use a different approach that is effective against threatening insects while also being sensitive to beneficial insects. As part of our Grub Control treatment, we use Acelepryn® insecticide that provides the best season-long protection against grubs, turf caterpillars, and more. This insecticide also is gentle on the environment and safeguards the biodiversity surrounding your lawn.