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After each Nature’s Turf treatment, you will receive an email that explains what we’ve done on your property for that day. Included in that information is a list of products we’ve used as well. Depending on the time of year, you may be surprised to see that we use a variety of products, including different pre-emergent weed control products. Let’s take a closer look at what pre-emergents do, how they affect the environment, and what the future holds for weed control products.

Do Different Pre-Emergents Do Different Things?

Weed control products, whether pre- or post-emergent, actually work in many different ways. There are names for the different points at which weed control products work, and they are called modes of action. Most pre-emergents stifle root formation, but the different products work in a couple of different ways. Each of those ways is a different mode of action. 

Strategically using different modes of action is one of the ways Nature’s Turf puts focus on being good stewards of the environment, your investment in our services, and the products we have available for our use. Using the same active ingredients and modes of action repeatedly will identify weeds that aren’t susceptible to those products via a process called selection. Mixing and alternating modes of action generally results in cleaner lawns and also helps to limit the spread of weeds that are resistant to treatment from a single mode of action. 

The number of modes available to residential lawn care isn’t particularly high, and because of that, many have been used to the point of suspect efficacy. As lawn care professionals, it’s our duty to know what modes of action are most functional and when. At Nature’s Turf, we know how to strategize combinations and alternations that will yield the best results for your lawn.

Why Does This Matter for the Environment?

It’s no secret that turf care is often associated with or accused of being poor stewards of the environment, but there is more to the story. Factually, if done well, the result of our lawn care efforts yields cleaner water, cleaner air, and less radiated heat than solid surfaces, and stewardship remains a key focal point in that pursuit.

Pre-emergent weed control products are not only a cornerstone of weed control, but they also greatly reduce the amount of product required to yield the same low weed pressure we desire. The EPA works very hard to ensure that the labels associated with products, which must be followed empirically, are environmentally conscious and consistent. From there, the strategic use of products known effective for the correct weeds, in the correct seasons, is necessary for success. For instance, some chemistries are no longer effective for Poa annua. Applying them in the fall would result in unsatisfactory results, requiring us to spray more post-emergent weed control to eradicate them.

What Does the Future Hold for Weed Control Products?

Hopefully, the future holds new chemistries and modes of action for pre-emergent weed control. While lawn care, sod production, golf, and sports fields are a sizable commodity market, the real focal point is agriculture. As things in agriculture continue to change, so will our product availability. 

For the foreseeable future, Nature’s Turf will continue to be a dependable and informed partner for your plant health and weed control needs. Our goal is to approach both with equal attention–because they work together to achieve the results we want. A key part of that equation is staying up to date with current and relevant information and constantly evaluating our own results.

If we sound like the kind of partner you’d like to team up with for your fertilization and weed control needs, give us a call at 678-831-6343, or shoot us an email to One of our sales or support staff members would love to discuss the many ways our services may suit your needs.