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You Can Grow Grass Where It Grows Best

Let’s start this off with a bang. Turfgrass shouldn’t grow everywhere. I’ll take that a step further. Turfgrass can’t grow everywhere. As a card-carrying turf lover, it surprises people when I say that. Each species of grass has its own set of requirements, the most limiting of which is often light. Strategically choosing where to grow turfgrass just may be the difference between frustration and elation. 

Trees are significantly taller than turfgrass. So are houses, fences, sheds, and any number of other things that may block sunlight from reaching our turfgrasses. The decline of Bermuda and Zoysia varieties isn’t always immediate. They possess modified root structures called rhizomes that are a lot like rechargeable batteries. In partial light, they slowly deplete the energy stored in the rhizomes and thin. 

Strategically planning beds allows you to put ornamental plants and turfgrass where they will each thrive. Residents across Georgia desire good value, and the best return on your financial and time investment in your lawn is growing it in places where its environmental needs are met. 

You Can Keep Your Trees

Not only can you; You SHOULD keep your trees. They frame your home, giving your landscape a quality that it can’t get back without decades of regrowth. While strategically thinning limbs that are injured or underperforming can be good for both the tree and your turf, sacrificing the entire tree could be detrimental to your landscape. 

In point one, we discussed making beds around structures and trees. Growing grass where it’s most comfortable is beneficial to your lawn, but there’s a positive inverse to that statement too. While turfgrass can’t hurt trees, grass lovers tend to find themselves cursing these gentle giants for being really good at what they do. 

Beyond reducing competition between turfgrass and trees, creating bed spaces also reduces the number of times maintenance equipment gets near tree trunks or roots. While this may not seem like a huge deal, injuries to the roots, crown, or lower trunk of a tree can invite unwanted pathogens inside, compromising the tree’s health. Unintentional contact with a weed eater or a mower can be avoided if there is a buffer between turf and ornamental areas. 

You Add Places For Designated Accent Plants and Decorations

Designing color into a landscape isn’t always the first priority. When landscaping a new home, many contractors will stick to the tried and true trees and shrubs they’re comfortable installing. While that has a purpose,  ornamental trees, and shrubs can provide color and interest to your landscape all year if you plan carefully. Flowering plants like roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and camellias provide color with their blooms. The interesting foliage of loropetalum, variegated privets, and mock orange offer unique colors and textures. 

Beyond plantings, bed space gives you areas in your landscape to decorate for holidays that don’t impact your lawn maintenance and lawn care treatments. If these items are left in the yard, they can compromise the quality of either, and even smother your turf. Decorating bed spaces relieves those concerns, letting you have the decorations and lawn you want.